4Life Transfer Factor Plus, Classic and Tri-Factor - can they be supplemented in animals?

A question from a client: A friend of mine in the USA used Transfer Factor in her dog being treated for cancerous tumors. Can 4Life Transfer Factor Plus, Classic and Tri Factor be used in animals?
Thank you for your question. Before I answer, I must make it clear at the beginning that:
- 4Life Transfer Factor products are dietary supplements. They are not drugs and are not intended to cure any disease in humans or animals.
- I am a distributor of these products, not a doctor or vet or any other specialist in treating any illness.
I will therefore answer based on generally available knowledge and my own (since 2004!) experience and distributor knowledge.
My house is full of animals, the health of which we care for as much as we care for our own health, also with the use of 4Life Transfer Factors
Pets are important members of many families. In our family, we already took care of cats, dogs, rats, rabbits, horses and an over 30-year-old African Gray Parrot. Their health and well-being have always been very important to us. Therefore, just like at home, and with our pets, we often use dietary supplements. They are not always veterinary supplements. Many human dietary supplements are suitable for animals. It is common for vets to make frequent use of "human" drugs and supplements in their practice.
We checked it on our own menagerie that, the basic 4Life Transfer Factor products, which are 4Life Transfer Factor Classic, 4Life Transfer Factor Tri-Factor and 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Tri-Factor, can be used with excellent results. So I'm not surprised that your friend used one of the 4Life Transfer Factor products for her dog. The producer of 4Life Transfer Factors - 4Life Research company - used to have a special line of Transfer Factor products for animals in its American offer: cats, dogs, livestock and even horses. They were used as feed supplements for regular use and, in addition to the 4Life Transfer Factor formula, they contained a complete set of vitamins, minerals and other important nutrients that the animals need on a daily basis. Many Americans, for their little ones, however, preferred to buy human 4Life Transfer Factor products: 4Life Transfer Factor Classic , 4Life Transfer Factor Tri-Factor or 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Tri-Factor.
Which 4Life Transfer Factor products are best for supplementation in animals
First of all, ask your veterinarian. You can use them if the veterinarian agrees. Our vets have never minded. Having quite a large home zoo, we use all 3 basic 4Life Transfer Factors. We give them to cats, dogs, rats, rabbits, birds and horses.
Usually, we have been supplementing our animals suffering threatening health conditions, like cancers or infections. So in such a case, we have been using 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Tri-Factor - as the strongest 4Life Transfer Factor supplement. Its ingredients (colostrum, egg yolks, zinc to support immunity and composition of extracts from beneficial plants and fungi) have been used all over the world for hundreds of years.
But sometimes the condition is allergic or autoimmune and then we use, the more gentle 4Life Transfer Factors: 4Life Transfer Factor Classic or 4Life Transfer Factor Tri-Factor.
Why is it worth giving 4Life Transfer Factor to animals?
For both humans and animals, there is a lingering approach to disregarding prevention. And yet the best prevention is a healthy, nutritionally rich diet and a healthy, active lifestyle. Long-term use of an unhealthy diet and an unhealthy lifestyle do harm only to ourselves - humans, but also to the animals living with us. As a result of a poor diet, the body is weakened and dysregulated. 4Life Transfer Factor is one of the many modern nutritional approaches that draw their power from the natural wisdom of nature. And it is nothing new. People and animals have used the benefits of colostrum, chicken eggs, mushrooms and herbs for millions of years. In a "civilized" lifestyle, which we also impose on our pets, we have lost the natural ability to find beneficial substances on our own. So today we use the gifts of nature that we can obtain in the form of dietary supplements.
How do I administer 4Life Transfer Factor supplements to animals?
Again, I strongly encourage you to really consult your vet regarding this matter.
What I share with you here, is a knowledge learned from American distributors closely cooperating with US veterinarians.
In case of our own pets, we usually start supplementation in the amount of:
- for cats and small dogs up to 15 kg - 1 / 6-1 / 3 of a human portion *
- 15 to 30 kg - 1/3 to 1/2 of a human portion
- over 30 kg - 1 human portion
- for horses - 3 human servings,
* "human portion" is the daily portion recommended on the packaging
If necessary, eg in the case of weakened or elderly animals, we increase the portion.
In the case of 4Life Transfer Factor Classic (the most gentle) or 4Life Transfer Factor Tri-Factor (middle power), there is no major problem with capsule administration. The powder contained in the capsule has the taste of powdered milk and virtually every animal will eat it alone or mixed with food with great pleasure.
The problem might occur when 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Tri-Factor is to be administered, because the content of the capsule has a bitter taste and a strong herbal smell. Of our animals, only rats like the strong herbal smell and taste of 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Tri-Factor, practically eating the bitter powder mixed in a small amount of anything edible (small to make sure that everything goes in). In the case of other animals, we put these capsules straight down the throat...
Our experiences
Our rat Luna, quite old, ate half a capsule a day of 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Tri-Factor after surgery to excise an adenoma the size of a ping-pong ball. She started getting it even before the operation. Despite a large, 5 cm wound, it was recovering quickly, and the wound was healing very well so after two days Luna was running around the cage. Such a high physical activity resulted in a large hematoma howerer, but it was absorbed quite quickly and without complications. We had much more rats, many in worse condition than Luna, that we also supplemented with 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Tri-Factor.
Horses - contrary to appearances, despite their large dimensions, they check very carefully every speck that is being strung in the mouth. So even having received a small capsule smuggled with their favourite carrot, they can effectively "isolate" it and spit it out while chewing the carrot. The solution is delicacies with a similar texture to capsules, such as oats.
Dogs - the greedy ones swallow the capsule without any problems with their favourite treats.
And finally - cats. As every owner of these quadrupeds will probably guess, only the most voracious cats will swallow the contents of an open capsule mixed with, for example, liver. In most cases, you should push the capsule deep into the cat's throat, close the mouth and massage the jowl for a while until the cat decides that it is no longer worth returning the capsule. However, it may do so a few minutes later.
We have not discovered an effective method of administering capsules to our African parrot :(. And there was a great need, because our bird fell very seriously ill.
What is 4Life Transfer Factor Classic , 4Life Transfer Factor Plus and 4Life Transfer Factor Tri-Factor - in a nutshell for your vet
4Life's Transfer Factor products are "human" dietary supplements.
There are 3 basic 4Life Transfer Factor products that we use:
- 4Life Transfer Factor Classic - contains only transfer factors extracted from bovine colostrum ( colostrum bovinum).
- 4Life Transfer Factor Tri-Factor - includes transfer factory from colostrum bovinum and chicken egg yolks.
- 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Tri-Factor - contains what TF Tri-Factor plus zinc and addition of mushroom and herb extracts called the Cordyvant complex, which includes, among others Maitake mushrooms, Shiitake mushrooms, beta-glucans, Chinese cordyceps, IP6, aloe and others. "Plus" plant ingredients, i.e. mushrooms and herbs, contain many biologically active substances with beneficial physiological effects.
Their key ingredient is the 4Life Transfer Factor formula obtained from colostrum and/or chicken egg yolks. Colostrum and chicken yolks are mega-concentrated nutrients intended for the developing young organism of a mammal or a bird, full of various nutrients, including those intended to help protect against disease, including a fraction called "Transfer Factor."
Transfer Factor - what's that?
Transfer Factors are non-species-specific, therefore it is possible to use immunization of certain animals and transfer them to people or other animals. The Transfer Factor is not just about the response to infection or cancer. They also play a regulatory role, which is important in every disease entity, including the treatment of wounds.
Specific information about 4Life Transfer Factor products that may be of use to your vet is available in English here .
Author: Alicja Krzywańska-Podermańska / Copyright © Primanatura 2016-

Transfer Factor Classic | 600 mg | 90 caps, dietary supplement, 4Life, USA

Transfer Factor Tri-Factor | 600 mg | 60 caps, dietary supplement 4Life, USA