Should 4Life Transfer Factors be supplemented continuously or periodically?

A question from a customer: Do you have to take this colostrum and yolk product continuously or only for a certain period of time a year?
You probably mean a dietary supplement 4Life Transfer Factor Tri-Factor or 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Tri-Factor from 4Life Research.
To benefit best from the supplementation of both of them (as well as another famous product of this company: 4Life Transfer Factor Classic produced exclusively from colostrum bovinum) you should follow your own needs and effects. Those products are food items, not drugs! In case of any dietary doubts, you might consult your doctor or dietitian.
As a 4Life distributor, I can share with you my experience, as there are two trends in the 4Life Transfer Factor supplementation among our customers, so we can divide our customers into 2 groups.
The first group consists of people who achieve very satisfactory results after the first month / first package, and then stop supplementation. They return to supplementation if needed, e.g. in the next flu season or in case of increased stress, which is understandable because our immune mechanisms react very dynamically to external factors, including stress or deterioration of the diet. Excessive stress or a large amount of sugar in the diet are among the natural enemies of high immunity!
The second group consists of clients who prefer to be "better safe than sorry". These are those who, despite obtaining the desired results, decide to stay on continuous or pulsed supplementation, ie use periodic, eg 2-week breaks between 2-week supplementation periods. This way, they want to make sure that the good form continues.
Which trend is right? Is it better to supplement constantly or in pulses?
There is no definite answer. Everyone is different: each of us reacts differently to supplementation and has different individual needs.
What I can clearly say is that our long distributor experience shows that you should try 4Life Transfer Factor supplements on yourself for at least 3-4 weeks. Then depending on the degree of your satisfaction and caution, you can decide by yourself if it is worth continuing or not :)
Author: Alicja Krzywańska-Podermańska
Copyright © Primanatura 2016-

Transfer Factor Classic | 600 mg | 90 caps, dietary supplement, 4Life, USA

Transfer Factor Tri-Factor | 600 mg | 60 caps, dietary supplement 4Life, USA