Transfer Factor as an extract from lymphocytes - what is written about it in medical publications

Many people, amazed at the effectiveness of dietary supplements containing 4Life Transfer Factor, are looking for specific, scientific information about this ingredient. I hope this post helps to clear up many confusions.
4Life supplements contain an extract obtained from colostrum bovinum (bovine colostrum) and chicken yolks. However, when a substance called Transfer Factor was discovered, it was obtained from a dialysable leukocyte extract (white blood cell extract) derived from the blood of donors. To this day scientific research on Transfer Factors bases mainly on leukocyte extract obtained from blood.
If you are interested in this topic, please refer to the review article by scientists from Italy and the USA who have summed up the current state of medical knowledge on Transfer Factors obtained from leukocytes from donor blood. For clarity I will call them "clinical Transfer Factors".
The article is available on pubmed (official medical library): here. You can read it in full on the Charles University in Prague online collection: here.
The full title of the publication is "Transfer factor: an overlooked potential for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases".
In the article, scientists indicate the usefulness of using "clinical Factor Transfer" in infectious conditions, e.g. with viral infections BB - Borrelia burgdorferi, CMV - cytomegalovirus, EBV - Epstein-Barr virus, HHV - human herpes virus, HIV - human immunodeficiency virus , HSV - herpes simplex virus, SAIDS - monkey AIDS, SIV - monkey immunodeficiency virus, TB - tuberculosis, VZV - varicella zoster virus etc.
Here is what they write:
"Transfer factor (TF) is a low-molecular weight lymphocyte extract capable of transferring antigen-specific cell-mediated immunity (CMI) to T lymphocytes.
It has been used successfully as an adjuvant or primary therapy for viral, parasitic, fungal, and some bacterial infections, as well as immunodeficiencies, neoplasias, allergies and autoimmune diseases.
From the list of infections that seem to respond noticeably to transfer factor, those due to viruses of the herpes family are particularly remarkable. Indeed, for these viruses it was shown that TF can prevent infection or relapse, acting as a CMI vaccine.
Data also suggest its possible use for adjuvant treatment and probably prevention of two currently widespread infections: tuberculosis and AIDS.
Furthermore, TF has an interesting potential: answering the challenge from unknown pathogenic agents, a black box effect permitting production of antigen-specific TF to a new pathogen, even before its identification.
It thus seems that the preventative potential of transfer factor is as important as its therapeutic one, both discussed in this review. "
Of course, this is not the only publication devoted to "Transfer Factors". At this link: "Transfer Factor / therapeutic use" [ MAJR] there are over 400 papers published so far on Transfer Factors on Pubmed.
What about the Transfer Factors available in supplements?
"Commercially available traditional TF extracts are generally obtained from colostrum (the first milk produced by mammals), bird’s egg yolks, or porcine spleen." - explain the authors of the publication titled: "Postulated Adjuvant therapeutic strategies for COVID-19 ".
The 4Life Transfer Factor dietary supplements use extracts obtained from colostrum and chicken yolks.
Author: Alicja Krzywańska-Podermańska
Copyright © Primanatura 2016-

Transfer Factor Classic | 600 mg | 90 caps, dietary supplement, 4Life, USA

Transfer Factor Tri-Factor | 600 mg | 60 caps, dietary supplement 4Life, USA