Which Transfer Factor is in the red capsules? Is it the most powerful?

TF Malepro - for men only!
The supplement that contains red, or rather maroon capsules, is 4Life Transfer Factor MalePro. It is a dietary supplement by 4Life targeted for men who care about their health, especially the efficiency of the reproductive and endocrine system and the prostate. The red capsules protect the oily contents from light. Olive oil and sunflower oil contain ingredients important for men, such as zinc, selenium, and phytochemicals derived from saw palmetto (Serenoa repens), nettle (Urtica dioica L.), broccoli (Brassica oleracea L.), kudzu ( Pueraria lobata) and soybeans (Glycine max).
4Life Transfer Factor MalePro is not a product that everyone can supplement.
This is a supplement intended only for men!
Effective, but we cannot consider it in the "strongest" category as it has no other equivalent in its category (men's supplements).
The strongest and gentlest 4Life Transfer Factor
All 4Life Transfer Factor products are dietary supplements, not drugs, and therefore are not intended to treat any medical condition. They are composed on the basis of various ingredients, which makes some of them stronger (e.g. due to the synergistic action of many ingredients), and others weaker (e.g. single-component ones). Some compositions are suitable for everyone (universal), and some only for certain people, e.g. 4Life Transfer Factor MalePro contains ingredients targeted at the needs of men.
The most powerful 4Life Transfer Factor
The most powerful universal Transfer Factor from 4Life is Transfer Factor Plus Tri-Factor, which has transparent capsules, and the content is brownish, due to additional ingredients of plant origin (Transfer Factor itself as a colostrum extract component has the appearance of powdered milk). Transfer Factor Plus Tri-Factor is a product that we recommend for adults NOT complaining about autoimmune or allergic disorders.
If an adult is struggling with such issues, we suggest Transfer Factor Tri-Factor - a Transfer Factor product without herbal additives, but containing an advanced 4Life Transfer Factor formula (Tri-Factor) derived from both colostrum and chicken eggs.
The most gentle 4Life Transfer Factor
In other cases, when a delicate supplementation is needed, e.g. for children, we recommend Transfer Factor Classic, very effective, but the softest :) Contains only Transfer Factors extracted from colostrum bovinum.
Author: Alicja Krzywańska-Podermańska
Copyright © Primanatura 2016-

Transfer Factor Classic | 600 mg | 90 caps, dietary supplement, 4Life, USA

Transfer Factor Plus Tri-Factor - dietary supplement 4Life, USA