What are 4Life Transfer Factor products?
What are 4Life Transfer Factor products?
They are wonderful nutritional supplements from 4Life. For everyone.
4Life Research - a company that calls itself "The Immune System Company" - has been studying nutrients that positively influence the immune system for over 20 years. She has received many awards for the products developed, including the best immunity-boosting supplements in the USA.
Why immunity?
The immune system is the guardian of our health. Every day it detects and fights potential threats in the form of viruses, bacteria, fungi, as well as its own damaged cells, such as cancer cells. Therefore, we consider supporting our own immune system as a priority health-promoting measure.
Proper nutrition, exercise in the fresh air, healthy sleep: these are the best prerequisites for high immunity. Nevertheless, nowadays it is not easy to fulfill them. That's why we offer you Transfer Factors from 4Life. Try it! Because it pays to support your own body towards exemplary function.
It's amazing but true: all of our customers have been extremely satisfied with the results of supplementing with Transfer Factor products for over 15 years. Regardless of age and initial state of health.
We also checked out how transfer factors work ourselves. And we have no doubt: they work beautifully :)
If our assurances don't convince you, learn more facts.
4Life Transfer Factor products at a glance
Transfer Factory by 4Life:
are created on the basis of the latest scientific research and patents,
are produced on the basis of colostrum and/or egg yolk,
are intended for daily nutritional supplements,
are known for their specific effect,
have been used for over 20 years,
are popular all over the world,
have been used and sold by us for over 15 years,
are highly appreciated by customers
are awarded (e.g. 2018 – Title: Best Provider of Health and Fitness Supplements in the United States of America by USA TODAY, 2020 – Title: Best Immune System Supplements in the USA and Best Nutritional Supplements for Health in Utah by LUXlife),
are useful for specialists:
High quality manufacturing
4Life Transfer Factor is a family of dietary supplements originally produced under the name of the American company 4Life Research, founded by the couple Bianka and Dawid Lisonbee.
4Life Research has been in business for over 20 years and has an established reputation as a manufacturer of superior quality nutritional supplements. It has its own laboratories (Biomedical Research Laboratories) where it actively studies the ingredients and formulations it develops in order to obtain the best dietary supplements on the market and thereby achieve the best dietary supplement results for consumers.
4Life Research's commitment to research is reflected in several patents pending in the United States and other countries.
Wonderful nutritional supplements
Transfer Factor products are dietary supplements. The task of dietary supplements is to compensate for nutrient deficiencies.
We have been selling 4Life Transfer Factor products without interruption since the spring of 2004. We haven't had a single dissatisfied customer since then! That's why we call our products "miracle supplements."
The positive effects of supplementing with 4Life Transfer Factor products are visible even in the first 14 days! Seems impossible? Nevertheless, it often happens.
Many health problems result from improper lifestyle and poor diet. If you take proper care of your health and provide your body with whatever nutrients it lacks, you will almost immediately see a difference in your fitness, energy levels and overall well-being.
Do not you believe? See for yourself how well supplementing with 4Life Transfer Factor products works.
Something good for everyone
The 4Life Transfer Factor family includes universal and targeted nutritional supplements.
The Universal Transfer Factors are intended as a general supplement for almost everyone (the exception being people before a transplant).
The world bestsellers belong to the group of universal transfer factors:
4Life Transfer Factor Classic (the finest),
4Life Transfer Factor Tri-Factor Formula (at medium strength),
4Life Transfer Factor Plus (the strongest*).
The targeted transfer factors were developed for specific needs. Their formulas are based on ingredients known to have a specific beneficial effect, such as:
4Life Transfer Factor BelleVie is a dietary supplement for women, especially for those who take care of their health and condition during the difficult menopause,
4Life Transfer Factor Malepro is a supplement for men, especially those who are concerned about their manhood and want to increase their "male" performance - especially in the eyes of their beloved woman.
You can read here what the term “transfer factor” means.

Transfer Factor Classic | 600 mg | 90 caps, dietary supplement, 4Life, USA

Transfer Factor Tri-Factor | 600 mg | 60 caps, dietary supplement 4Life, USA